4 definitions by Speckdahl18

1. Prison for Minors.
West Holt Penitentiary....Uh, I mean High School
by Speckdahl18 December 16, 2010
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When someone does something stupid and won't stop, you smack them in the face with a thick book, normally a phone book.
Random Person: *starts singing Taylor Swift*

Me: *smacks person in the face with a phone book*

Jeremy: "Facebook'd!"
by Speckdahl18 December 14, 2010
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Another word for cool, sweet, ect.

Also know as mating call. (Quagmire from Family Guy)
Me: Hey Kent, Jerky for Construction

Kent: Giggity
by Speckdahl18 December 14, 2010
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Means: Hot Humid Hazy Hell

to tell the way it feels in the room
Jeremy: It's the 4 H's in here
by Speckdahl18 January 18, 2011
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