Known as the Garden State, this small area has 15 Congressional seats. The state of New Jersey has constantly been pushed around by its much larger neighbors of Pennsylvania and New York since the pre-Revolution days. Although some of the greatest battles of the Revolution such as Trenton and Princeton happened here, the state has not had mush positive press. Today, the state is New York City's dirty backyard full of industrial processing at one end, a seedy extension of Philadelphia in the south, and the Pine Barrens in another part of the state. It is home to the Sopranos though. Trapped by unfortunate circumatance, New Jersey hobbles on today.
The Joisy Devils are gonna take the cup!
by Not so super DJ Gennady February 20, 2003
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New Jersey girls aint' trash, trash gets picked up...
Oh man look at that pile of trash and smell that stink in the air... we must be in new jersey
by matt September 2, 2004
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1. New York's dumpster
2. Leading mullet exporter since 1930
3. Home of Jon Bon Jovi.
"Those gangstas from da NYC aint seen nuffin yet. Stylin' mullets and methed up Bon Jovi fanatics... man, that's the real ghettoz. Ya heard me? New jersey!"

"He's a prick, he's obviously from Jersey."
by Goat Perversion December 18, 2003
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Hot chicks (like Tara Reid) dudes in camaros and fast talkin hard core mofos cus they got stuck inbetween Philly and NYc. JErsey What
by Anonymous August 24, 2003
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new york and pennsylvania's bitch

jersey devils suck
new yorker- Hey I sure do have a lot of trash I've got to get rid of

pennsylvanian-Me too, lets dump it on new jersey
by 116605 October 12, 2005
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Toxic waste dump of a state, both literally and figuratively.
"I just love swimming at the Jersey shore...ouch...fuck! I think i just stepped on another AIDs infected hypodermic needle."
by Anonymous September 5, 2003
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