an idea that seems beneficial at the time it was thought of, but goes on to completely backfire
In NBC's "The Office", Michael Scott came up with the idea to give out 5 Golden Tickets for a 10% discount to 5 random clients of his paper company Dunder-Mifflin. As it turns out, all 5 of the tickets went to their top client, costing Dunder-Mifflin 50% of their top account. After realizing the dilemma, Michael called a meeting where he stated, "We need a Willy Wonka idea to get us out of this situation." Receptionist Pam Beesly responded, "So we need an idea that's gunna blow up in our face?"
by frankieg102 November 15, 2009
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CEO of an organisation that finds pathways to brilliance to make you a fortune. Often hated and uncredited. Means well. Will make coupons from thin air. Believes in the character of the deployment of the idea to justify a beer at the end.
Ideas guy
by NotTroybutTroy November 19, 2020
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The high pressure person who always thinks they have a better idea than everyone else. As a result, nobody wants to work with them.

Origin: US Military
Why didn’t we carry those boxes like the sergeant said? Then we wouldn’t all be in trouble!
Oh yeah, it was that good idea fairy who logiced her way through it and decided we didn’t need to.
Well that’s just great. Everybody thank the fucking good idea fairy for all that logic that nobody cared about in the first place.
by Das Erlebnis February 2, 2022
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when a person has a good idea, that will end up benefiting that person,
1: yo im gonna start a business, what do you think?
2: Hell yah, thats a damn Gordon Ramsay Idea
1: Fr man lets go
by noahbzz December 22, 2021
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The name says it. BAD IDEA of jokes on some tee shirts.
That is a bad idea for a t-shirt. That is why it's called "BAD IDEA TEES"

Everyone: *Applauds*
by Link998 February 10, 2014
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Bitch. The phrase "Bad idea to call her" is a backronym for bitch.
Did you tell Bella we're having a party?
No, she's a bad-idea-to-call-her.
by selfimportantsht January 19, 2021
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wise word from a puppet note book 'whats your favorite idea' made a duck die and a red man put literal heart in glitter
what your favorite idea mine is thinking creatively
by lawn chairman November 1, 2019
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