The severly and sadly skewed celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Over the past century, western society has gradually warped this very important holiday into a disgusting commercial event. The once potent and religious importance of this time has been eaten away by the heart of Corporate America. Capitalism has twisted Christmas into means to make as much money as possible.
I hope that I get everything I want this year, like that Old Navy hoodie, after I spent so much money on buying expensive gifts for my family last year.
by DC December 21, 2003
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an International Christian day for Hypocriticism, and a day free from work ..
Let's just, for ONCE a year, pretend we all love and care for eachother ..
by MASiR January 15, 2004
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Solstice (winter in the north, summer in the south) reinvented by Christian masterminds to allow Sin and Guilt to replace existing, more wholesome and life-loving traditions.
It's Christmas! What the hell is Solstice? I thought the fucking world revolved around ME!
by bumslug April 15, 2009
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If you don't know what Christmas is then you must live under a freaking rock!
by Sanchezgiver January 10, 2004
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The time of year when Santa rises from the dead. Hypnotises a couple of reindeer hanging out in a log cabin to be his slaves and uses them to carry his fat carcass to small childrens house and lick the naughty ones whilst emptying his bulging red sack down the chiminey of the good ones...then killing the reindeer and storing them in the freezer...
four more reindeers were missing today due to christmas
by Dr Fennopolis December 31, 2004
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used only in New Mexico, WHICH ROCKS.
Means getting both red AND green chile on your food 'cause you're a total badass for living in NM
Red or Green?

Dude, hook it up with the christmas!
by NM Rox March 13, 2005
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