59 definitions by DC

Better than Reloaded,but everything is too repetative, once you've seen one big ball of matter explode you've seen them all. It's not the worst in the triology but it's still a disappointment.
If you gave a child a crayon, told him about the matrix I'm sure he'd have thought of something better than this shit, lets go watch LOTR.
by DC February 5, 2004
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The beer bus is the bus that mysteriously comes to a bar late in the evening while you're in the bathroom and drops off a busload of sexy girls and takes away all the ugly girls.
After 10 beers Dave staggered back from the bathroom and declared that every girl in the bar was a fox. The beer bus had arrived!
by DC July 8, 2004
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Getting savagely drunk.
I proceeded to get advised as soon as we entered the bar.
by DC March 15, 2005
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a band which have a qwerty first album but have a brilliant second album
by DC January 24, 2004
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Shortening of 'Chronic', street slang for very strong skunk marijuana - Often heard used on South London housing estates.
"Blud, you need to go and link with Redeye. He's got some heavy CHRO!"
by DC December 10, 2004
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When your fucking a girl (usually doggy style) and your boy is in the closet jerking off then he runs out and busts a nut on her face.
Yo man this Bitch gave me the Kangaroo so I got her with a Jack in the Box.
by DC April 11, 2004
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A man who acts too gay to actually be gay.(There is gay, and there is Hollywood gay). He pretends to be gay so attractive women will pay attention to him. Usually too ugly to get women by conventional means, and very affectionate around women.
by DC March 23, 2003
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