A new name for Facebook, now that it consists mainly of "shared" articles or YouTube clips that are just pasted in, and very little original material.
Originated in a mishearing, my husband said Facebook but I thought he was being witty by referring to it as Pastebook or paste-book, since we had recently noted that most of the material there is just repostings.
by Brubban November 25, 2016
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Joshua Quitter began a recent article in Time magazine about a Palm's Pre, profiling the man who created it, writing on June 15, 2009: "A few weeks ago, Jon Rubinstein
was booking up a mountain the side of Mount Tamalpais in......"
by PRwiz101 July 3, 2009
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oh, and your book of stories told you that?
by doufu April 5, 2021
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A book written for a mature audience. This type of book usually has sex scenes and other content that would be inappropriate for younger readers. This is a term used to cover up the fact you are reading a "naughty book".
A: This is such a great book!
B: What's it about?
A: Oh, you know, its a jackie book
by Scribbles888 January 10, 2012
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Where an individual has that many one night stands or dates with different people that they all merge into their version of a relationship.
1: "You've been on that many dates this week that they all seem to merge into a flick-book relationship!"
by Obasis September 2, 2013
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(Noun) Someone who reads the book before the movie comes out or before it is announced that a movie is being created based on the novel
My friends are total book hipsters, they read The Hunger Games and Divergent when they first came out as novels.
by laserbeamsarehot March 13, 2014
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