115 definitions by PRwiz101

(v.) -- to gaze stupidly or in open-mouthed surprise or wonder at someone from another generation for doing or saying something completely surprising or incomprehensible due to the generation gap.
"Whenever I say something old-fashioned to my teenage sons, they just look at me in a totally befuddled way and then generation gape at me in wide-eyed wonder. 'Oh Dad, please!' is what they are thinking, I'm sure!"
by PRwiz101 February 8, 2012
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A typo (one-letter keyboarding mistake, typewriter mistake) that the spell-check function cannot pick up because the word is spelled correctly -- although not for the word you wanted to key in. They are called "atomic typos" because the change of just one letter completely changes the word, although it remains spelled correctly in terms of the spell check function

Chris, instead of Christ
war, instead of was
bite, instead of byte
massage, instead of message

Quote: "Wow, the newspaper had an atomic typo on the front page, the writer meant to say "message" but what appeared in the article was "massage". Oops! That's a real atomic typo, and there's very little one can do to stop them!"
by PRwiz101 May 15, 2009
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"I live right near a nice conveeni, and I get all my daily necessities, there, including beer!"

-- overhead at a coffee shop in Great Barrington, Massachusetts
by PRwiz101 July 5, 2009
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(n.) - a brilliant idea that soars "over the rainbow" during a group brainstorming session
"Bob, your idea is so good, I want to call it a brainbow! It really soars above the rest, and it's a keeper. Brilliant!"

-- Overheard at a watercooler in Mountain View, California on January 9, 2010
by PRwiz101 January 17, 2010
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(n.) - A newspaper article about a continuing news story that everyone is sick of.
"I am so sick of reading farticle after farticle about this continuing saga of the murdered coed in Seattle. I mean, she's dead. Let it go."
by PRwiz101 September 28, 2009
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(n.) -- an e-book composed in or converted to a digital format for display on a computer screen or handheld device; first there were hardbacks and paperbacks, now there are ebacks
"I just ordered Stephen King's latest novel in digital format. For me, an eback is just as a good as a paperback book, even better, because I can store it for use anytime anywhere and read it off a variety of screens."

-- overheard at a watercooler in a bookstore in Chicago on March 24, 2010
by PRwiz101 April 4, 2010
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(n.) - Masturbation based on imagined scenes of rape
"Masturbation is one thing, but you know, some pervs go overboard and get into this masturaption mindset and I don't like it at all."

overheard at a water cooler in Miami, Florida, January 6, 2011
by PRwiz101 January 29, 2011
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