This term is used for people who have spent 9 years or more on the internet, knowing so many things about the internet, one could say they might have created it. Senior programmers also count as White Beards in some cases.
"our Grey Beard has become a White Beard."
"make way for the White beard!"
by The Unintelligent Librarian August 28, 2019
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when ur beard gets horny and starts coppin og blowjs and yingering a butthole
oh shit did u guys see beard horn that grenade? he horn bearded the shit out of her
by Ieata$$ October 15, 2018
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She's 7 feet tall and has an Adam's apple and a beard. That happens all the time where she's from. What are you one one of the freaks? Why are you asking about the bearded lady?
by The Original Agahnim August 8, 2021
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When a woman gives head to a man( a man with rather large amounts of public hair), as the man shaves the hair all over her face. The man then ejaculates on the woman’s chin, making the hair stick.
Man 1: Last night I gave my girl a bearded lady.
Man 2: Haha, how’d she react?
Man 1: We aren’t dating anymore.
by Bearded man September 15, 2018
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On December 23, the barber shops are free for ugly beards.
Happy National Ugly Beard Day!
by sg_10 November 3, 2021
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A chill yet a fearful hunter.

Will kill any insect if hungry.
Don't think that you can catch a wild one cause they will run up your leg in 5 seconds.
Will comment suicide if near a ledge, or is on a bed, please watch out for any thing that is very high for a small fella like him/her.

OH DEAR GOD HE JUMPED! (said the owner)

by B) is what I typed March 17, 2022
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When you are uncircumcised and you pull out all the way and she queefs, blowing up your foreskin. Leaving your uncircumcised member looking like a bearded dragon.
My wife queefed so hard last night she gave me a bearded dragon, and then I gave it right back to her!”
by Pat Makrotch April 22, 2022
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