To arrange drinks with friends, get drunk in short amount of time and to not stay out that late. But have a great hang!
Last night I had a mini blast with Ashley and Justin! I was home by midnight and I’m not that hungover today!
by Coopcooper162 December 4, 2018
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1. Remedial math class taken in order to meet minimum requirements for college studies.

2. Often required for GEDers to prove their worth to community colleges.

3. Named such because classes often begin with zeros instead of "1's" for freshman studies.
B: "Jojo decided that she didn't want to be a stupid loser so she's going to community college, but they're making her take double blast math because she didn't graduate high school."

C: "She thinks the opposite of stupid loser is community college graduate?"
by Ender's Shadow November 27, 2009
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Alright John, you'll never guess what... I saw Laura from sixth form the other day- first time in years! One thing lead to another and I ended up giving her a blast in the pass! Felt like I was 18 all over again!
by Jubbzarella June 1, 2015
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To have romantic relations on the beach. In the wild animal position while Chewbacca noises are made. One sticks their thumb in their into their mouth moist if their flange. Then take the wet and moist thumb and insert it into the sand below your knees. Then secretly and instantly jam the Falange into the sphincter of the receiving partner and hold on or you will be tractor pulling. Edward❤️ 🔥Edward
To be Sand Blasting is when a sausage thumb is inserted into the moist mouth the sand then into the butthole.

Give me a beer before I sand blast that ass.

You may want to see a doctor after I sand blast your ass oh and….your ph level may be off.

We was gettin it on the beach when I Sand Blasted that ass!

The sandy thumb of thumb thumb
by Edward❤️‍🔥Edward April 11, 2023
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A shot consisting of rum (most likely bacardi) and Bailey’s. The shot must be consumed quickly to avoid curdling.
by yurtimdurt May 15, 2021
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Ghetto blasted (verb) is when an individual becomes intoxicated in a fashion that's popular in "the ghetto".
John and George were getting ghetto blasted on forties last night.
by panda_mandax13 January 18, 2014
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