Fall Mountain is a round from Fall Guys that everyone hates.
Guy 1: I just got Fall Mountain
Guy 2: You are dead.
by namefalgus September 3, 2021
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Where Denver high schoolers go to make out and fuck in their cars. Also overlooks the Colorado school of mines
Bob: hey, you want to drive lookout mountain today?

Angela: no I don’t want to have sex
by May be jenny may not be September 29, 2022
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slang for mountain dew mixed with whiskey and codine
yo hey man, hey you sippin on sizurp like a bizzich, but shit different on the mountain... mountain dizzerp
by rusleezy February 22, 2011
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Joshua Quitter began a recent article in Time magazine about a Palm's Pre, profiling the man who created it, writing on June 15, 2009: "A few weeks ago, Jon Rubinstein
was booking up a mountain the side of Mount Tamalpais in......"
by PRwiz101 July 3, 2009
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The Mountain Top Bukoki is when a tall woman stands with both arms up and together to form a Mountain while a group of men all ejaculate on her hands and let it run down to form snow mounds.
My wife loves the mountains so me and all of my friends turn her into one by doing the Mountain Top Bukoki.
by 417wsm February 16, 2023
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The act of lying on your back while someone hovers over you, spreading their cheeks as a drink is poured on their back. The liquid flows between the ass cheeks into your eager mouth.
Christoph wanted me to try his energy drink, so we Rocky Mountain River Trailed it!
by hotspicyboner February 1, 2023
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