a mouse that smells really bad
its a mouse that smells really bad
by ben wood November 26, 2003
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like "unlucky" or "bummer" not the homosexual meaning of bummer though!
Boy 1: My bitch dumped me last night man

Boy 2: Savaaaage!
by leon December 28, 2004
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Someone who eats ravenously. Associated with the Native Americans. Is some-what racist.
(when eating something gross-like and looks weird)
"You Savage!"
by don't ask July 1, 2006
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Someone who is so savage that the word savage can't even describe how savage they are.
Nick is The Savage.
by The A team July 12, 2016
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Adj: Merciless, brutally honest; Usually reffering to somebody who has no regard for how another person feels and doesn't hold back.
Josh: Why do you always wear a jacket all the time?
Helen: I like it its-
Eden: It's because she's fat as fuck, and the jacket help her hide it.
Josh: Straight savage.
by Czecherboard February 18, 2016
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