A person who cheats at Call of Duty. Usually named Charlie
A paddle breath cheat is worse than OJ Simpson
Person 1: i was playing with a guy who jumped really high earlier..

Person 2: ahh yeah thats Charlie the paddle cheat.
by Peanutbutterlickdown February 25, 2020
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When a man sneaks off to be alone to masturbate and his best friend secretly follows him and moves his arm for him.
After an evening at the titty bar Bob excused himself but Joe followed him to the restroom stall and gave him a Tulsa Paddle Wheel.
by Uncle Mojo December 7, 2010
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A man (preferably a fisherman) on a boat, takes a fat, ugly chick and spank her ass, with a large, used paddle. when satisfied, the man, bonne her cunt, takes a dump on the paddle and feed the fishes.
"Hey man, look that guy on the boat! It looks like his giving her a good old Portuguese Golden Paddle!"
by CastroL May 2, 2006
1. One who has been paddled ferociously to kinky sex, most men who suffer from this will tend to waddle for the next few days.

2. An insult; see: dipshit, moron, retard, etc.
1. The Jewish man bent over for the whopper of a spank "The Ass Waddling Paddle Master".

2. BIG T: "Hey look a turtle!"
Tiffany: "Thats not a turtle its a cloud you fucking Ass Waddling Paddle Master!!!"
by Sir Fuzzmo September 1, 2006
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Of a lady in a sexually excited state
Jane was up for it - she had knickers like a paddling pool
by mattski July 1, 2004
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