Women's knickers worn in wartime Britain (1939-1945). Often
made of nylon/parachute silk.
Possible derivation: said to come down without a fight. (analogy with German aircraft of same name).
She wears Messerschmitt knickers: they come down without a fight.
by Lord George de BruceCarruthers September 26, 2010
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its all fun & games...then not so much...

shit happens...life sucks etc etc...
by the time a woman is 35 she knows lifes a beach then you get sand in your knickers.
by baglady2713 July 4, 2018
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Noun 1- British Slang for the stained, malodorous and curiously damp underwear worn by women of ill repute. So called because of their distinctive 3 stripes of colour Red, Brown and Yellow.
"Blimey! Look at 'er Neapolitan Knickers! they must be three yards across"
by Pissy McTakerton November 7, 2013
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A preferential choice for higher quality goods. To desire something with higher standards.
I've always had a knickering for high end whiskey.
by Mr. Bad68 April 25, 2016
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(nak' nik ah) A person who cannot leave a hotel room without taking every tea bag, sugar sachet, complimentary shampoo and even the spare loo roll.
Taken without asking, the knack knicker need an extra suitcase just to fit this stuff.
by reezy_bear November 20, 2010
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The vagina drying/mood killing impact of control knickers
When I saw those beige Sahara Knickers my vagina did it's best impression of a desert
by Cuntypants February 12, 2020
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A person who is sexually frigid and unlikely to be sexual, even with a reasonable partnership match.
Frosty - as in barren, frigid, unfertile, too cold to show any signs of life in there/unwilling to have any life in those knickers/panties under any circumstances. Frosted over so as to be immovable to allow access to what is clothed by the knickers/panties.
Not to beconfused with voluntary or enforce chasticy, Incel, celebacy, sapiosexual or demisexual.
"That person has Frosty Knickers/Panties - they resist any kind of sexual talk or respectful approaches because they're irrationally oppositional to having sex with their perfect Partner who they would otherwise find highly sexually attractive."
"Damn girl! Have you got Frosty Knickers now you've got me into your bedroom, I thought you were joking about looking at your etchings."
by MattJKing71 November 29, 2021
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