1. Refers to the founder of RTS physics
2. An inordinately vocal cartoon assassin (also, Hak Fu or Hawk Fu)
by anonymous July 12, 2004
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A method used to greet friends which replaces the saying “hello”.
Brian Lint arrived at the airport to meet his friends saying “Huck-a-Cheeee”!!!!!!
by Bishainator February 10, 2021
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When a man penetrates a woman anally while immersing her head in a toilet bowl full of his fesces.
"You wanna Huck Finn tonight?"
"Your shitter or mine?"

"You wanna Huck Finn with me tonight?"
"No, didn't you eat beans today?"
by Briana, Jane, and Jillian September 18, 2007
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The sexual act of fingering one's asshole, whilest holding a fishing hook in the other hand.
David: Can we Huck Finn?

Lindsay: I don't want to be Huck Finn'd, I'm afraid of fishing hooks!
by David Jacobi May 23, 2007
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another word for back fat located under the shoulderblades. Plural: Hucks
by John W June 3, 2004
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