Dude is a really funny word.
1. DUDE (doode) means a person which one knows
2. a person in which u dont know
3. a way of saying hi
the best definition of all (and true)

5. an inficted pimple on a male wale's back
1. yo, dude, get me a soda
2.dude, where'd you get that. or Dude, what's ur name
3. Dude!
5. Did u see that dude on the sperm wale.
by ADD March 24, 2005
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Something people who have a limited vocabulary and think they are cool say about every five words.
Dude it was like totally richeous, Dude I mean, wow.
by Clueless April 26, 2005
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1.) a male
2.) a person, mostly of the male persuasion, thought to be clueless, dumb, not in touch with the world around him.
amanda acts like a dude. she drinks a lot and then passes out on our front lawn.

what a dude thing to do.

also related to duder.
by wordperve April 27, 2004
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1. literally, a "dick"

2. calling someone or something a "dick"

Look at that mangled and bloody dude.


Hey check out that frat boy. What a dude!
by napus antipas March 4, 2004
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the word dude can mean anything in the english language, depending upon accompanying gestures, the intonation and situation.
dude!! (hey man, its good to see you!)
dude. (hey. that thing you just did? not cool.)
dude! (awesome! i got a great new job!)
Dude? (will you hand me the remote please?)
DUDE!! (you slept with my girlfriend, and im upset)
dude.. (expressing; excitement, sadness, anger, fear, sexual arousal, discomfort, and or the lack of anything to say)
by vocabulasaurus rex April 5, 2013
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A "dude" means nice guy, A "dude" means regular sorta person.
"You must be uh, some important dude, man. Like you know, to get that treatment."
by xepicxmonkeyx December 26, 2018
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Noun, describes an unbelievably perfect male, resident of Pinner/North Harrow, with black hair, best friend of mini-dude
"Sarah look! There's dude!"
by pain cobain December 11, 2004
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