when someone hasnt said anything for a while, or you just want to annoy them or hint they have a large beak!
"Well, I havent heard any chirps out of your beak in a while!"
by Amanda and Liz September 10, 2007
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The disease contracted when one uses Twitter promiscuously.
Dude, she totally got chirpees from tweeting 24/7
by kflowaz June 10, 2009
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The ultimate chirp. The using of personal embarassing information against one of the boys. NEVER use these if you care about ya home boy.
Bro you can't say that around these guys. That's a stage 3 chirp.
by Ligmagang February 24, 2020
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When someone is talking about absolute rubbish or is taking a while to get to the point of their conversation.
Steve: Ah mate, I was out the other night... *five minutes later* ...Did I mention this?
Gary: Steve mate, quit chirping on.
by Chirper May 9, 2011
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When you thrown up slightly due to a hangover from the previous nights events, to relieve pressure in your guts...
Ahhh, man, I just Birdie-chirped from last nights drunken shenanigans!
by Fireman Shenanigans October 14, 2019
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chirping is a hockey slang term meaning petty remarks and insults, usually at an opposing team.
she can't keep her mouth shut, that's why she got that penalty for chirping.
by TheApologeticHoser February 12, 2022
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