A day on August 24th where you post on your social media who you want
James: Today's national post who you want day, i'm gonna post Elise.
Elise: *see's post
*Elise and james starts dating a week later
by UndercoverMademan August 9, 2019
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February 22nd is National appreciate the person who likes you day. Even if you rejected them. So go ahead and appreciate them so that they feel better.
Person 1:Hey! It’s National appreciate the person who likes you day!

Person 2: Hey I really appreciate you
by >:Skeezer:< February 17, 2023
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A word the phrase a person that nobody asked nor had a conversation with.
Who's talking to you? bozo said by Lazy on Discord
by I simp for !(ĐK)Lazy. July 19, 2021
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March 21st is the day you appreciate the person u talk to by posting them
Post who you talk to day : Post your boyfriend or girlfriend on Instagram
by Nnana1234567 March 21, 2022
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If your reading the accept it and let other people read it so they will be gay like you.
by Yo dylans gay September 12, 2020
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