A female that will have sex with anything!
She is having sex with a dog, she must have a "madonna-whore complex."
by ralph tirebitter September 13, 2003
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Italian people use to say La madonna c'ha la fava when they are surprise
La madonna c'ha la fava ho trovato 5 euro

wow i found 5 euros
by gigimelopigi March 12, 2010
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This Maltese slang word translates to "fuck god fucking sperm holy mary you're annoying my penis gay person"
Mary. "What happened Owen? You look really troubled"

Owen. "foxx kristu haq al liba madonna dejjaqtli zobbi pufta kollok leave me alone"
by Il Kbir Albert October 9, 2020
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An a italian parol dat use to bhe rude and emotional at the same time . Colorful unit!
cigolo un botto lerciata la madonna...
nos on me lerciata la madonna
madonna saraspagliata
by CRACKMOLESTO March 1, 2019
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"British" people that were born in the American mid-west, raised Catholic, and got famous as a Pop Icon/Sex Symbol that now "practice" Kabbalah, write childrens' books & speak in the most forced accent you've ever heard
"You can take the girl out of Detroit...but y'all know the rest; hence Madonna British."
by Daytona Slim April 25, 2013
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1. A cocktail consisting of Pepsi-Cola and gin, similar to a Rum and Coke.

2. A famous icon venerated in the Catholic Church of Central Europe, purported to be the first icon, allegedly painted by St. Luke the Evangelist on the worktable of St. Joseph from life, depicting the Virgin Mary, albeit with a dark complexion.

3. The lesser-known and scandalous working title of an album by American recording artist Madonna, referencing, in entendre, the icon mentioned above, and herself, featuring preliminary artwork photographed by Steven Klein that featured the singer in full blackface in a pose of benediction mimicking that of the said icon. Subsequently scrapped as a title, the album became known as Hard Candy, released in 2008.

4. An unusually attractive woman of African descent, often American, buxom, mysterious, and generous, of whom little is known, but always arrives at just the right time to save the day. A very reliable, ineffable, black woman or woman with a dark complexion.
1. "Aye, Tommy! Make mine a Black Madonna on the rocks, no Virgin, though--save that for Da Vinci! Ha!"

2. "Every time my mom takes us to Poland to visit her family, we make a minor pilgrimage to view the Black Madonna."

3. "I'm not entirely certain the public would receive an album with the title Black Madonna particularly enthusiastically, M. How about you change it?"

4. "Damn. Janelle is, by far, my Black Madonna. This week has been insane, but whenever shit gets rough, she's there, holdin' it down with me."
by PicklePuss November 15, 2013
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