Person 1: Who is Big Guppy?

Josh: Oh that's that punk ass Mike kid that i live with.

by skjksdhglkjdfhgkjhdfkjghl March 28, 2008
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A man takes a funnel and shoves the end up a chicks ass. He then proceeds to dump a monster energy drink into her booty hole. This is then followed by putting a guppy fish into the monster energy drink followed up with an intense tongue punch session to her fartbox as he tries to free the fish, while getting the taste of his favorite energy drink. This is then all followed up with a devastating cannon ball into the nearest lake as he frees the guppy fish into the wild.
I saved another fish yesterday doing the dirty guppy
by CPT Guppy July 7, 2022
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A word used to express a character in the Netflix movie "We Can Be Heroes" spraying her diarrhoea everywhere with her liquid controlling powers
im going to Guppy Diarrhoea Splat
by skydaddymb12 August 12, 2021
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National guppie day takes place on august 2nd. It’s to appericate my gorgeous amazing girlfriend. She’s the most beautiful, kind, funny and genuine person you’d ever meet. She’s amazing to be around is going to be an amazing mother one day, I love my guppie. My pretty girl, I love you so much to the moon and back.
No example for y’all, she’s mine and only mine so you can’t be using this name. August 2nd is for her and her only. Too bad so sad, I got the best girl in the world but since I have to. National guppie day is the day you worship and appericate the one and only guppie
by Big fil August 1, 2023
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A person who looks like a fish and smokes pot
I’m a guppy bear in the guppy world.
by Gummy bear bang July 12, 2020
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Some dumb ass show with floating kids with a fat gold fish with a testosterone level higher than the cn tower!
Dude this show felt like bubble guppy’s (gay)
by FlavourfulBallEater March 12, 2022
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