An immigrant to the Uk that has very poor English skills. It is also short for “Fresh of the boat

( Me a white kid was called this by a boy who you can hardly tell what’s he’s trying to say because he’s so chav)
“Hey have you seen that new kid”: guy 1
“Yeah heard he’s a real freshie”:guy 2
by DefinitelyNotAFakeNamd June 1, 2021
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A baby whomst has just been born
There’s a freshie, straight outta the womb
by Deuxy September 24, 2019
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A name used by high schoolers to describe freshmen.
Junior: damn dude look at that freshie over there
Senior: fuck that kid is small
by words with friends October 23, 2017
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A clean and unused hypodermic needle, used for shooting recreational drugs. Another way of saying "new rig" "new works" etc. Important to have or acquire in order to not transmit disease.
"you got a freshie? I'm tryna get high"
by Sarahvictoria214 August 18, 2021
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This is a common name for more pure teenagers and virgins in the north. However

these virgins are commonly targeted at by boys who are known sex pests of the area and about 2 years older
lad 1- Did you hear those year 11s going after them year 9 girls?
Lad 2: everyone loves a freshie
by damnrightbitch August 3, 2015
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An imingrant who goes bulgaria and struggles to speak bulgarian, which results in all the bulgarians laighing at him and calling him a 'freshie'
by Mutz init September 26, 2015
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