A term, derived from Olde English, used to describe something that you should never see, or something that you have seen and wish you hadn't.

The origin of the term dates back to the mid-seventeenth century, where candlemakers in England would often check the temperature of molten wax using their tallywhacker.
Oh my God - some of the pictures on his mobile phone are definitely Chandler's Knob material!
by Ivor Scenit August 10, 2006
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A curious phenomenon of a place.

Located near Southampton and Eastleigh, it somehow manages to be the snobbiest little town full of hundreds of rich spoilt shitheads with no concept of the real world who soil themselves when they see a chav, or as they would put it, 'someone of the lower classes'.

Home to many a rich family of dickheads.

Widely avoided by many to avoid being given hostile stares by the rich inhabitants.

The residents never leave as they fear they may be attacked by a group of 'young ruffians' or 'crazy hoodlums'.
'Mate, you wanna go to asda in chandlers ford?'
'No fuckin way, i hate the little pricks who live there'

'I say old bean, fancy going to see a film in eastleigh?'
'Are you feeling alright my dear fellow? We might get mugged! I dont trust those suspicious lads and ladettes who roam the streets over there...'
by sfcFTW November 2, 2011
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a guy with a great personality who is really cute as well. usually found owning at basketball, sleeping for 25 hours a day, and skulking in the bushes.
"whoa, look at that chandler hall, he's a guy with a great personality who is really cute as well. i find him owning at basketball, sleeping for 25 hours a day, and skulking in the bushes."
by ahotgirl March 23, 2009
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a casey chandler is a noble breed of gingers. They have auburn hair and pale skin. Although they may look like it, they are not gothic. Casey chandlers hate girly-girl things and have no souls. Casey chandlers are also respected flute players of the high school band who also happen to play guitar.
Omg, look! Its the souless casey chandler with her flute!
by twinkie<3 February 24, 2010
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This is a place where dreams go to die. Upon arrival, the citizens of Chandler collect your soul and keep it in a jar in the Town Hall. It often has a black hole effect on one's best friend. In short, Chandler, AZ is hell, in fact when you die, if you don't get into heaven, you pop up back here.
"Its going to be like Chandler, AZ, when you have to spend a week with you grandma man"
by Paul Fitsgerald the third October 29, 2010
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A totally awesome, handsome, smart guy. The kind of guy your girlfriend dreams of. The best kind of guy to know. Everyone needs a Chandler Bell in their life.
Oh my god... that guy is a total Chandler Bell! I have to get his number.”
by Finding Dory Luvr December 1, 2018
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