A beautiful manmade beach off of Bard Rd. in Muskegon; Malexory Beach is basically a kiddie pool filled with hot water carried outside from the bathtub in buckets, a small amount of sand/dirt, and one bright colored umbrella
What's the weather like at Malexory Beach?!
by imalwaysdown January 1, 2011
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Pacific Beach surfer - noun phrase - a fuckboy who does not think
Wesley has never seen psychotronictruth.com - what a mfing Pacific Beach surfer!
by RobMatrix March 6, 2022
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A Beach Located In port Colborne And Is One Of The Only Beaches In Port Colborne.
Port Colborne Enjoyer: Let's Go To Nickel Beach!

Non-Port Colborne Enjoyer: N O
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The American equivalent of The Beatles. They were the only band that could rival The Beatles' popularity. Back in the day, they were one of the biggest bands in the world, and they're still surprisingly still active today. With two of the original members, no less...even though they're in their eighties.
While The Beach Boys' popularity waned considerably after the 1970's, they did make a brief comeback in 1988 with the song "Kokomo" and again in 2012 with their 50th anniversary tour. Despite this, they're still not as popular as they once were, for obvious reasons and not so obvious reasons. They're washed up, if you will.

Some of their most popular songs include:
-Surfin' USA
-California Girls

-Don't Worry Baby
-The aforementioned "Kokomo"
- God Only Knows
-Good Vibrations
-I Get Around
-And more...
by Someone who kinda exists July 30, 2022
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The main public beach in Newport RI that is infamous for it's red seaweed. Locals steer clear from this beach and go to the private beaches like hazards and gooseberry instead. If they want the big beach experience, they go to Second Beach or Gansett instead.
Dude i picked up Megan and Kaylee after they had hockey practice and their bags made my car smell like first beach.
by fucklasalle April 24, 2021
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Not much of an example to give.

Pretty straightforward on this one.

- Revere Beach
by SMDave May 31, 2023
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the most annoying group of friends ever. they think they are so relevant but literally nobody likes them. they wear clout goggles to school and say words such as “obvi” and think they are cool. they snuggle with their boyfriends and post it all over snapchat and they think it’s so cool like honestly nobody cares.
girl 1: ew the pep squad/main beaches are so weird

girl 2: yeah they think everyone wants to be them like honestly ew
by slay.all.day November 22, 2018
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