Person1: "you ugly slut, go suck a dick"
Person2: " sure, we can date."
Person1: "thats rude and arrogant"
Person2: "i don't #"
by Krkič November 11, 2019
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Something somebody will say when they are in a relationship with somebody they never loved, they may have felt pressured to accept a confession or we're just trying to play with somebody's feelings and felt bad about it later.
by Internet_Axle October 24, 2022
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A phrase used in a matter of fact way when someone agrees with a statement of yours. Phrase owned by Ehlimana.
Person 1: Running is necessary to get away from kidnappers.
Person 2: True.
Person 1: I know.
by EmaCamp April 12, 2020
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When someone wants to make a dirty joke but doesn't say it and leaves it to the listeners imagination.
by lemonpopeanuts March 28, 2023
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"yo dude honestly, I don't play Duke Nukem 3D"
"same bro~"
(then they kiss passionately)
by squillam June 9, 2023
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