MIke J is constantly online on FIFA 22 he needs to touch grass in my opinion ONG.
by heyM0CHI June 6, 2022
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Something you tell your friend who is online on social media and/or video games for too long. It can also be an insult.
You've been online for too long, go outside and touch grass.
by Tr45h May 22, 2022
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When a person plays fut champs on the weekend of their wedding and he needs to stop try-harding so hard and go outside
by chayecharsi July 27, 2022
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Something that predators should do.
Creep: *talking to a 13 year old*
Normal person: Hey, creep, go touch grass.
by Pialinist April 13, 2023
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An insult telling the subject to hang him self until the feet touch the grass. The etymology is from the country and western song, Green, Green Grass of Home
His comment on Reddit bothered me and so rather than make a reasoned comment, I told him to touch grass.
by GG1000 April 9, 2022
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A phrase you would say to somebody who has lost touch with reality
Person A: "Bro, look at this picture of Nick Wilde. I'd let him hit any day

Person B: "Touch grass man, god why are you like this."
by GreenPlad April 20, 2022
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When Johnny Schroeds touches you. After said touch; your life is practically over. You are cursed.
Gross!!! You have the Schroedl touch!!! Get rid of it!!!
by SnusIsLoose March 6, 2020
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