Someone with fairly small pointy boobs who needs to wear a padded swimsuit to contain them
Guy 1: "Man is her swimsuit padded?"
Guy 2: "dude she probably has beach umbrellas"
by Hhahahahaha0101 June 13, 2015
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A seagull, but for dumb people.
"Hey look, it's a beach Pigeon!"
"A what? Do you mean a seagull?"
"Ohhhhh, yeah I do hahaha"
by Dangly dongolies April 27, 2020
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A slang term used to describe a group of people bitching about others on a beach.
Friend (1): she’s a b*tch

Friend (2): her shorts are too tight
Outside : this seems like a Bitchy Beach

by J-H_UrbanDictionary April 16, 2018
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Ayo look at that guy over there, looks like hes gettin some beach slop.
by Oopsjaydiditagain June 9, 2021
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A city full of gang members and sand smearing surfer kids who give each other blowjobs while their blonde soccer moms bleach their hair and the Latina moms in flip flops beat up random kids that they are nannying for not knowing spanish. Occasionally somebody'll drown and they'll all have a beach party smoke out and get the whole trash city high on marijuana and yell as loud as they can as it is totally super quirky and funny haha. Then the boys'll spend their food stamps on Supreme and Gucci and the girls will get gangbanged on the school bleachers by their fifteen boyfriends while all of the lesbian girls finger each other, all of whom will be wearing 10 layers because it is finally below 85 degrees and question each other literally everything because their brains cannot function past surfboards and weed.
Newport Beach is a terrible place.
by Savannah Leoni November 24, 2019
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