When you are at school and a girl takes you into the bathroom to perform sloppy mediocre oral sex on you.
Hey bro I was about to go to class and this girl gave me a nasty ashley
by TheKingoOfChaos October 12, 2022
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A slut or hoe. Will always try to suck a dick. Most of them have curly hair. Mostly skinny twig like figures with no meat of her. Always will have an eighty's look. These people are also weird and can't stay off of a certain topic for months.
Did you see that girl? She definitely looked like an Ashley Evens!
by De Subiie January 10, 2017
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The act of responding to a text message in an untimely fashion, long after a socially acceptable window of time has passed since receipt.
Apologies for Pulling an Ashley, I just received your text message from last July that your house was on fire and you were in need of an extinguisher.
by KenFSU May 23, 2023
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