One who is notoriously good at border jumping and eating tacos; one who runs for the border.
I was in Arizona and saw a Mexi-Joe Noogy
by Maple 5B February 28, 2007
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A full thick bushed mustache created my munching on a black fat bitches pussy.
Jimmy got a Mexi-stache last night from having a sweaty night with a negro.
by Jsilly10 March 7, 2011
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Another term for a minivan considering that many Mexican own minivans and need them to fit several people in it earned the name Mexi-wagon.
Guy 1: Dude did you see how many Mexicans got out of there?

Guy 2: It's called a Mexi-wagon bro.
by You're incorrect October 18, 2015
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A mexi screamer is when beaner parents take their miserably ill behaved child out into public and ignore them while they run around and screech like maniacs ruining any peace you might have. Not to be confused with a mexi slut who also screams but without her parents.
We went to walk the dogs at the park and they were so many mexi screamers running around we had to leave. Mexiscreamers kill your days in public.
by Miltythecheese July 2, 2017
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Taking psychedelic cactus and MDMA at the same time.
Dude I went mexi-flipping at the club last night.
by brain_freeze October 24, 2013
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When a person smokes too many "mexis," and begins to converse with the people around him/her, unknowingly speaking a collaboration of past dreams, experiences, or just straight random non sense. Absolutely nothing this person says makes any sense. The only thing this person needs to do is stop smoking so much to get back to a normal level in which the average person can actually understand what they are trying to say.

Only a person who has attained the same level of high, is able to understand what that person is attempting to say. Other people will perceive this "conversation" as evidence that they are either too high or need to be admitted into the looney bin.

Either way, they sound like rambling buffoons on drugs. Everyone agrees, including them.
Person 1: Can I buy your truck for a can of tuna socks yesterday?

Person 2: Oh, shit. No one let Carl hit it again, he's got that Mexi Mumble bullshit going again. He's cut off!
by Maui_Momma13 July 2, 2022
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