Word used by @KreekCraft in one of his piggy sneak peak videos he said " Is that a word Halloweenzied? i'm making it a word" this is used to describe something but a special Halloween version....for you have been Halloweenzied
"Hey I like this character but I'd like to see it Halloweenized"
by Potato Miamo October 6, 2020
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1.The night of the sluts.

2.An excuse for costumed nerds to come out of there mothers basements and walk the streets at night.
"What a Whore-ific Halloween this year. "

"They said creepy john came out for a few hours just to collect some candy for his basement stash."
by Karson with a k October 20, 2011
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A holilday on a fucking killer clown that scares the shit out of little kids
*example of halloween*
And how some people force you into there shity ass home so they can give you there shity ass candy that’s fucking expired
by Dubiks December 25, 2018
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a certain time of the year when slags decide it is completley appropriate to dress in virtually nothing even when small children are out at the same time
small child: why is that girl only wearing her pants?

adult: its because its halloween
by nahomo October 30, 2011
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The one day of the year the girls that dress like sluts all year long actually TRY to dress like sluts.
"I don't know how the Hottie in Purchasing gets away with dressing like she does. It's not Halloween every day."
"Yeah. I feel sorry for the street walkers cause what can they wear to stand out from the high school girls?"
by uberliberal October 31, 2011
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An energetic hype, for the month of October, and all things leading up to Halloween itself.
1. I walked in the store and saw all the Halloween decorations on display, and immediately felt Halloweenic, and decided to decorate that night.
2. As I decorated my yard for Halloween, the harvest Moon winds picked up to elicit a craving, Halloweenic feel.
3. All it took was that Autumn full Moon, and I was instantly Halloweenic.
by Night-Train October 9, 2008
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Trick or Treat
The act of putting your favorite piece of miniature Halloween candy, laying under your partner and accepting it orally from the vagina or anus. It's like Russian roulette. The treat is the vagina and you don't know what's going to accompany it coming out of the pooper, maybe candy corn.
Trick or Treat
The act of putting your favorite piece of miniature Halloween candy, laying under your partner and accepting it orally from the vagina or anus. It's like Russian roulette. The treat is the vagina and you don't know what's going to accompany it coming out of the pooper, maybe candy corn.
by A from Cbus October 19, 2013
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