Irreverant emergency department slang.

Considered unprofessional, as with many other informal terms, although a certain amount of gallows humour is a common part of emergency medical practice, used as a coping mechanism for severely traumatic experiences.

F**ked up beyond all recovery, but unfortunately not dead yet.

Used to refer to a mortally-injured patient who has no chance of survival but is still clinging to life by a thread. The job of the ED staff here is to ensure that the person's last minutes/hours are as comfortable and as dignified as possible.
"Doctor, you need to see the man in cubicle 7. BIBA (brought in by ambulance) from that pile-up on the M60 - he's FUBAR BUNDY but you'll want to set up a diamorphine infusion ASAP."
by Dr. Nash March 19, 2008
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So many repeats of the same definition for this word makes this definition Fubared.
by Moostang September 8, 2003
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Holy shi!!!!!1111 i just got teh chocobo fubar and now im ubah.
by vash November 12, 2003
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wasted,when you go to a bar and drink a hella lot of liquor.

when you toke foa long azz time and are completely out of touch wit reality
yo look at that sob he's FUBAR(ed).
by michael October 23, 2004
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Screwed, f*cked, denied, or otherwise negatively affected.
"After pissing in the gas tank, his engine was FUBAR."
by Drizzle Drakes February 24, 2005
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fucking ugly bitches and running
(acquired from drunk cs matches)
last sunday I was fubar
by sigh April 21, 2004
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A community Facebook page in North East Scotland. This page gives local news in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. The information is submitted by people. Road Traffic Accidents, groups of kids hanging about etc.. Because of this the posts may be inaccurate or may not have actually happened. The page is also an outlet for people to show their own horrible views in the comments.
Mel : OMG theres people in a van going around Aberdeen stealing dogs.
Ewan: Theres nothing on the Police Scotland facebook page and no one has commented that their dog has been stolen.
Mel : But it's true it's on Fubar News.
by AberdeenButtery May 3, 2021
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