Variation on "in his cups" (i.e. inebriated): someone so concentrated/"zoned" on whatever message(s) coming forth from his/her BlackBerry/iPhone/Android device that literally everything else surrounding them (non-virtually-speaking) is reduced to literal background noise. Commonly encountered on the street, on public transport, or even in a bar.
Bill: Hey, Roger...Roger? Earth to Roger?

Roger: Um...yeah?

George: Never mind Rog, he's in his BlackBerry again.
by BWB July 12, 2010
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Person 1: Hello, I would like to purchase 32k of Blackberry

Person 2: Stonk go brrr
by Morgan is a freeman June 7, 2021
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When you get ass bruises from Anal Foreplay.
Did you hear ehat happened to Mike in prison? He totally got a Blackberry Rosebottom!
by WaxMyBalls March 7, 2017
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A style of business management which applies to people who rely solely on a SmartPhone as their source of email content and management information.

The practice seems to have originated from the Blackberry users who may now use other devices but say they are not as good as their Blackberry.

It involves reading the subject of the email plus optionally the first line, but then coming to a conclusion and maybe an important decision based on that, and not taking the time to read and understand the entire content of the email.
Dude, don't forget he went to the Blackberry business school, you are going to have to shorten it!!
by Twiggybloke February 4, 2011
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"Dude, I'm gonna tap the Blackberry."

"Is that what the cool kids are calling it these days?"
by Gearbox78 August 25, 2009
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When a black man splooges on a (typically white) female, and she uses the fluids for spreading on toast
I accidentally ate a blackberry jam sandwhich that Terry made last night, it was so gross!”
by CowboyBeBallz March 21, 2018
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