A mixture between a wet willie and a wedgie.

You know what i mean.
I rear admiral'd this guy now my finger stinks.
by DirtBast October 14, 2007
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The back of your ballsac as accessed from behind.
Dude, that tennis ball you threw caught me right in the rear admiral.
by Dan April 7, 2003
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A salute from the rear.
You should walk right up there and give her the rear admiral.
by David October 20, 2003
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Every time I wore those pants, I'd get some Admiral of the Windward Passage trying to make eye-contact.
by nom de plumb June 3, 2009
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When a person, a girl in particular, has beady eyes that are so far apart that they appear to be on the side of his or her head, much like the character Admiral Ackbar in Return of the Jedi. This feature generally destroys their otherwise attractive appearance.

Coined by Steve from The Preston and Steve Show on WMMR in Philadelphia.
"Man, that Uma Thurman would be hot if it weren't for her Admiral Ackbar eyes."
by Neil Hunkins March 26, 2008
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Noun (naval terminology): the universally supreme naval rank, awarded historically only to one seaman (Christopher Columbus) jointly by HRM Ferdinand and HRM Isabella of Spain, in recognition of his achievement in successfully navigating the Atlantic Ocean westward and (presumed at the time) the discovery of a shorter, less hazardous, and less expensive trading route to India from Europe.
"Upon his return from his first voyage to America, Christopher Columbus received the rank and title of "Admiral of the Ocean Sea" from Ferdinand and Isabella,
which rank he holds in perpetuity."
by speedog May 2, 2010
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Your tongue can't repel taste of this magnitudue!
"Wow, Admiral Ackbar Cereal!"
by ROSHing April 23, 2009
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