The greatest show on Earth.. Seriously.. It stars Peter, 42 (when the show started) Lois (40), Chris (13), Meg (16)Brian (?) and Stewie (1). A clever show which uses other sitcoms and such to add to its humorous ways. A show that probably half of America didn't even know existed until season 4 was put on the air. Mostly everyone loves Stewie, the maniacal 1-year-old baby who later through the series turns away from world domination and more towards his homosexual side. But like before, most people claim they know everyone about FG, when in reality, they only watch the season 4 episodes every once in awhile.
Person 1: Yo, I know everything about Family Guy! Just go ahead and ask!!!

Person 2:Who is Brian's cousin? What's Stewie's middle name? How old is Peter? Who is Greg the Weather Mime? Where did Brian go to college? How did the evil monkey in Chris's closet turn evil?

Person 1: How the hell am I supposed to know those?!?! Those weren't on Family Guy!

Person 2: Dunce! Stop watching just season 4!
by Tailswune November 27, 2005
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the greatest frickin show ever made! IT's so funny it will make you shart yourself!
When you're cartoon network at 11.30 and you feel a warm spot in your pants because Peter Griffin just said something hilarious like;
Whoa, whoa,whoa,Whoa, whoa,whoa,Whoa, whoa,whoa,Whoa, whoa,whoa, whoa......this isn't my batman cup!
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That show that discriminates every race, culture and religion equally.
race culture religion Family Guy
by Rengiil May 7, 2011
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The funniest show on TV(that malcom show isn't the funniest; family guy is). The characters are:

Peter Griffin; the main character of the show. He is a fat dumbass, but hes the funniest one. lol

Lois Griffin; Peter's wife.

Meg Griffin; Their 16 year old duaghter. Shes a poser, who trys to fit in.

Cris Griffen; Their 13 year old son. Hes also fat and dumb.

Stewie Griffin; Their evil baby. Hes always trying to kill Lois. Hes pretty funny too.

and Brian; the Griffin's talking dog. Hes probaly the smartest one. He is also funny.

They live in Qoahog, Rode Island. I think this show is waaay funnier than The Simpsons.
"Lets go watch Family Guy."
by meatwad's ghost May 27, 2005
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The greatest TV show to be cancelled and then resurrected.... actually the greatest TV show ever. Warning: May cause you to lose control of your bladder.
Do I really need to put a quote?
by Elmsters May 23, 2005
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When one passes a joke from Family Guy off as their own.
Man, everyone thought that he was so funny but really he was just Pullin' A Family Guy over and over all night.
by JorMarDoctaaJayy August 5, 2009
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Do something funny. Continue to do so until said activity is no longer funny. Continue to do so until said activity is funny again. Repeat.
The Family Guy Effect: Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser! Pow right in the kisser!
by rapelax August 23, 2008
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