School is a good idea in theory. A place where all people can go to learn certain materials that are useful in everyday life, for the most part. However, in practice, schools eat up your life, and leave many people feeling rejected, sad, and alone. I don't know how to fix it, but something should be changed.
You go to school for 13 years to get into a good college for 4 more years of grueling study, and after that, work for a large, cold corporation.
by Ranavalona September 8, 2010
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A Place where you waste 12 years of your life.
Hey its a beautiful day outside! I'm gonna go and take walk in the park! Oh shit I can't, I have to go to school.

by Owy October 18, 2008
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Seven (or more)

Lives (daily)

Its a prision for kids where you cant enjoy life.

The kids at school are total wimps. I got sent to the Principals office because I called someone Fatass spoiled brat and somehow he found out (he cant exept the fact that he was spoiled and fat)

Theres so much learning that you forget what you learned. On yo homework you forgot everything you learned so i cant finish it.

why do adults like participating in hurting children?

Its impossible to show your true feelings with out getting in huge trouble.

Its hard to enjoy a social life. If you talk to your friends you get in trouble.

If you get a C or lower you get in trouble by your parents.

Dont you want to spend time with your family instead of assloads of homework?

Limits: if you say words as innocent as idiot you get detention. They call having fun a privilige. You cant do this or that x100000000

The teachers a joke (there like those cogs in toontown)

The more they take away stuff from you the more you want it.
You: school was so boring that i forgot everything i knew! Time to have fun!

Mom: Did you do your homework?

You: F***************************************!
I have to relearn everything


Mean Ass Teacher: I h8 that kid, Im gonna beat him/her up.
good news is i have an excuse for his/her beating so i wont get in trouble.

You: Hi Ms. Smith, how are you doing?

M.A.T: *Beats you up*

You: *tells mom and dad what M.A.T did to you*

Parents: *complain to school*

M.A.T: *Uses excuse to fool parents*

Parents: your in trouble son/daughter for lying


You: Dude school is boring

Your friend Josh: I totally agree

Faghead Asshole Teacher: *hears conversation from a mile away*

F.A.T: *interrupts conversation/invades privacy*

F.A.T: You guys are in huge trouble for socializing and sharing your feelings about school!


You: Damn I got a C

Parents: Damn you got a C! Youre grounded


You: Yo mama is so ugly that when she walked into The public restroom, she scared the shit out of the toilits!

Your friend Jeff: LOL!

Whorehead Teacher: You guys, off to the principals office for insulting someone!


You: I cant believe they took away my ipod for it being out. It wasnt even on! Now i really want to listen to that song.

asshole principle on the loud speaker: If you take out an electronic device and a teacher sees you, we have to assume its on and your having fun so we have to steal it from you.
by Doomedtodeath December 30, 2011
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A horrible and terrifying place where young children must go and be harassed by mean teachers and smart-ass kids everyday. Kids only go there to learn things that usually aren't necessary in life for a good job/career. This awful place can make teens suicidal because of getting bad grades from evil teachers and feeling like a failure in life. You also get low self-esteem from the mean kids and the things they say to you everyday.
For most kids school is very much like prison, and they are just the prisoners doing time until they are eventually freed. The kids have rules like no gum or cell phones that the teachers (or prison guards as some may call them) can break and not get in trouble for. If the kids break these rules they get verbally-abused in front of the entire class.

Then when you are freed for the day you have more work to do at home, homework! If you don't do homework you most likely get yelled at, or get a phone call home. Then your teacher can tell your mom or dad about how you are such a horrible student and then humiliate you to a point where you most likely want to crawl in a hole and die. This is pretty much the feeling you get your entire school career.
Teacher: Alright, can you find the area of circle A?
Kid: Um do I have to? I don't understand how.
Teacher: Have you not been paying attention? This is why you come to school, so that you can learn and be smart. I am only trying to teach you kids to prepare you for life.
Kid: I don't think I will ever have to know the area of a circle for a job!
Teacher: That is it, I am sick and tired of your antics leave the room and I will come talk to you privately!
by theinfamouscrazychick October 19, 2009
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1. Something that proves that our parents don't love us.
2. An education area but awesome teachers let us play games and watch movies.
1. "Mommy, if you really loved me, then you wouldn't send me to school."
2. "Okay class. We're going to watch 'The Princess and the Frog'"
by TheOriginalHobo October 27, 2012
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Most retarded place you will ever waste 13 years of you life.
Wow that was the biggest let down of my life. I cant beleive that people actually go to school for 13+ years!
by Greg Fershilkitmynizzle May 13, 2007
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Possibly the worst thing in the world, it resembles a prison that prevents you from going home until they say. The guards that call themselves ‘teachers’ like to pretend they care about our mental health and learning experience. Parents around the globe have been fooled by these guards that limit children’s freedom.
Child: do I have to go to school? It’s torture!

Mum: don’t make such a fuss
Child: but they assign us stressful homework and then say they care about our wellbeing!

Mum: oh hush, it’s not that bad. We didn’t complain when I was at school
by Eevee😚✌️ March 9, 2021
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