Made up by Kevin Balolong, who used the "para" in Counter-Strike but called it the monster. He uses the monster while running, which makes his recoil worse but scares people.
Kevin: THE MONSTER! *sprays with parap*
Julian: LOL IRL
Kenneth: LOLOL
by Kenneth B. April 6, 2005
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Get 3 friends or more and hot-box a car so you all get really high and your eyes are firey red. Then everyone puts eye drops in only ONE eye. If done right, one eye will be clear and open while the other will be squinted and red and your group will all look like there is something seriously wrong with you.
Girl: What the hell is wrong with you guys? You look all kinds of fucked up.

AK: Nah, we're cool. Just rocking the monster look tonight.

Girl: Whatever...

AK: Triffilin' Bitch!
by AKAHRZ June 4, 2011
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noun; from the latin monstorious; my little black cat Beans
"Damn it Beans, stop biting me! You're a monster!"
by carrie July 27, 2004
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the reference of taking a big wad of crap
chad:oh shit!!
george:wats wrong!!
chad:im about to drop the load
chad walks into the bathroom............
chad:dude that monster just came right out my ass!
by TAT1azn November 1, 2008
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When one has too much to drink in an evening, and then finds oneself in the bathroom needing to both defecate and vomit at the same time.
I had 33 Nattie-Bo's last night, and I'm still cleaning up from The Monster.
by OldBallz December 29, 2010
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