Gobby Jobby- When a significant other sneezes on a dick and makes it green tint color and you force them to suck it
Dude, she sneezed on my dick so I made her give me a Gobby jobby
by Pure-Autism August 12, 2017
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A jobby jabber is a big chonky lesbo 🤓
"Yer a pure jobby jabber mate "

"Naw am no but specky becky is"
by yeetusmyfeetus10472 September 7, 2020
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A light pastry dish, comprised mainly of eggs, caster sugar, mascarpone cheese and human faeces.
Man: Waiter, im ready to order.
Waiter: Yes, sir. What shall you be having ?
Man: Might i have a slice of your delicious, jobbie cake ?
Waiter: Certainly sir excellent choice, made fresh - a house speciality, if i dont say so.
by El Scobo & Sir gammon of flaps December 4, 2009
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What happens when one is kicked hard in the ass hole, thus jamming one's 'jobby' inside the rectal tube.
OUCH! That was right in the butt hole; thanks for the Jobby Jammer, fuck head.
by silversausage October 8, 2010
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some one who says they will do a trick or stunt and then chikens out when some one brings it up. often used in scotland and said as : jobbie baws!
right its youre turn!
no way am naw stupid!
shut it and go jobbie balls
by simon G October 19, 2005
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From the scottish word Jobbie A Jobbie-Head (sometimes Jobbie-Heed) is a derrogative adjective for a person.
Person 1: See That XYZ. He's a Pure Jobbie-head.
by JoePasquale October 9, 2010
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Placing (making) a booty call between 11 am and 1 pm

(related to the Jobbie Dawner - the early morning booty call)
A Jobbie Nooner is the best lunch ever; just ask MOCO!!!
by MOCO & P-Phat February 12, 2009
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