it's when you work your ass off and you're dead inside, feeling like a walking corpse and you still somehow fail miserably at everything you do
Hey man, I studied my ass of for two weeks for that exam we took on Tuesday.

He handed it back and I got a 46/100. All pain, no gains.
by quirky chick October 12, 2022
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a fucking chad who has all the girls in his bag. Usually fucks like 3 girls a day, but beware or else he will give you an STD (RIP Emma and Hanna) . Honestly, this dude belongs in a jail. A walker gaines is a filthy dangerous animal to beware of.
Bro Jenna run from the walker gaines, he finna give you cyphillis
by fuccyomotha December 2, 2020
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Delectable pods that add a little more flavor than Tide pods
I could really go for some gain pods pizza right about now.
by Pswiggy January 30, 2018
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Muscle. Whenever you do cardio, you will lose all your gains.
Person 1 ("Yo bruh, i did cardio the other day, and lost all my gains")
Person 2 ("Unlucky dude")
by Gainsman123 December 9, 2017
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Slang word for male genitalia.
Relatively new.
Can be used sexually and nonsexually.
A: I've got a big gain

B: I'm a guy, I got a gain
by DoctorCaduceus May 16, 2023
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