Some sort of greeting or signing off, a signiture word the actor Flex Alexander uses on his TV show: One on One.
by Natalie R. L. March 17, 2007
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Disadvantaged person. A nerd/geek/loser/stu/socially disadvantaged person of the highest order.

For best effect, add excessive pronunciation of its consonants.
Jack: "Oh no! I just dropped all my pokemon cards on the floor!"

Jill: "Dap."
by Mr Scruff March 28, 2009
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A cap dap is a greeting between two males in which they drop their drawers and "dap" each other....not with their hands but with the tip, or cap, of their penises.
"Hey whats up homie!"

"What up!"

Cap dapping ensues
by D2D April 13, 2012
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To provide daps at a lengthy distance with a raised fist.
"Yo man, give me some air daps!"
by blackmamba25 June 6, 2009
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Making a brief appearance at a party or social function for political purposes.

Involves giving "dap" (fist-pound greeting) to the host and other notables, then "dipping" (leaving) shortly thereafter. Sometimes used to describe an event that is not enjoyable and would not be worth attending were it not for the political motive.
Matt: Are we going to Jon's party?

Darryl: Yeah, but I don't want to stay long, so let's make it a dap and dip.
by Darrell Johnson May 1, 2007
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a normal dap is a form of greeting( handshake) where two people bump fists. not up and down but sraight foreward like theyre punching each others fist. a double dap is with both hands, but it is saved for only the illest of occasions.
1:dude you banged that chick last night?
2: motions for dap
1:no dude, double dap
1/2: both execute the double dap
by jimmyisgayasfuckyo August 3, 2008
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