An affectionate term for the chain of pubs - J D Wetherspoon.

Shit food, shit beer, cheap.
Lets go to spoons.

Want to get a pint at spoons?
by Bugblatterbeast May 27, 2014
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Silverware that you use to eat yogurt, cereal, soup, or/and ice cream. Unless your weird and use a fork.
A type of cuddling, when a girl is on her side and the boy (or other genders) lays next to her on his side too.
Do you have I spoon, I need it for my soup.
Hey babe? Can you spoon me?
by idk_go away June 22, 2020
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noun. describes a type of person who takes enjoyment in stiring the pot. Someone who starts drama and problems for others with no reason at all.
That broad Sheila is a spoon. She likes to start drama for no reason.
by CLUTCH.2F June 26, 2021
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An instigator; someone who stirs the shit.
Don't listen to the spoon. He's just trying to cause trouble.
by Sister Kevin October 3, 2022
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A person who loves to cause drama and controversy. Also known as someone who “stirs the pot
When I saw Jane laughing after causing a fight between two friends, I realized she was a spoon.
by Sallythatsquirrel April 3, 2020
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To Murderer Horribly Slowly with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon
Girl walks into the room and is hit on the knuckles by her friends who have all acquired spoons.

Not EVER to be confused with 'spooning'
by spooningsally November 22, 2010
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Verb : The act of cuddling ones partner whilst having his (or her) erect penis inside of their partner.
Me and my Princess shared a "Stiff Spoon" last night and we woke up stuck together.
by Just_Jake November 23, 2017
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