One who falls in love way too easy, has low self esteem, manages a halfway house , and is screaming for attention in all the wrong ways.. usually goes by the name of John
You know that guy with the cross on his throat.... yeah hes a total Og Squirter
by OGBobbySquirter November 18, 2019
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a word what does not make scene and a nit called kai
THERE CROSS TEAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by lee kirwan April 12, 2019
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retarded ass retard nerds use this so they could feel good about themselves when also realizing that they will actually never be able to properly apply it in real life.
Person 1: help me finish my Cross Product homework
Person 2: fuck off you fucking nerd ass cock licking bitch
by lord of gaylards August 30, 2022
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To enter the unknown. Whether never done before or something new to the individual.
You know how Elon Musk sent a Tesla into space? Yeah, he really crossed the void!

When Jim was afraid to jump off the high dive the first time his friend shouted "You can do it Jim! Cross the Void!!!"
by Moto Void November 17, 2018
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When you get cross faded and can't get up.
Hey Jake, James was hella cross-locked last night and couldn't get out of his chair.
by Cody52799 June 4, 2018
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When two men next to each other simultaneously jerk each other off with their arms crossed over one another.
Bro, neither of us have gotten laid in a while. Want to criss-cross mammal sauce?
by Truxtin May 2, 2024
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