Communism is an economic and government system generally supported by the super wealthy to upper middle class that seeks to erase the mobile upper class and replace it with an immobile political class while consolidating all wealth and power to the political class and making everyone else equally poor.

It is usually enforced through censorship and oppressing or simply executing anyone that disagrees with them without allowing them due process rights
My rich friend supports communism and thinks he knows what it's like to be poor
by KolchakTheNightStalker January 7, 2023
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Unwillingly being forced into communism by genes. Forced to share genes.
“She was born in Alabama, how can she stand genetic communism?”
Genetic Communism is the common cause of problems.”
by callieCa August 2, 2019
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White bitch and douchebag community is a selfish and fake group of people they spend most of their time at gyms and night club. They were first seen at Laurier, Western and Guelph Universities.
wbdb community

is suffering discrimination during corona lockdown.

All clubs and gyms are closed !! That's against freedom of religion
by Cyrille le maire June 9, 2020
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Self appointed person who thinks he/she is the designated spokesperson who has the guts to talk to the local area residents or municipality about any community issue that is not caused by the community champion. Most times a community champion is just a loud mouth and causes more problems then tries to solve. If a neighbor does something that said community champion does not like they try to get the other residents against it and if other residents don't go along community champion makes an priority to talk to the resident or get the municipality involved. Also a community champion calls in complaints to the local municipality even if it is regarding matters of private property that a local authority has nothing to do with.
MS. Turner is a community champion because she is always complaining to the borough about the neighbors not saying anything about something that only she sees is a problem and no one else does anything about it.
by Jac Mihoff February 3, 2019
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Comical communication thru verbal and non verbal ques.
We had some communic sex last night.
by Slothiessurprize June 15, 2023
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A W Communication is a place on Mackintosh Place Cardiff that is owned by a scammer guy.
This can be used by saying “i went into A W Communications today and the owner had severe extreme stick drift”.
by ball guy January 30, 2023
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