Being in such a paralytic state from the mass consumption of alcohol that when you reach the toilet you are usually slumped down hugging the bowl and screaming 'Oh God!' into the shit abyss in between violent bouts of upchuck.
by Top of the vomit August 26, 2009
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To have an out of stomach experience while placing ones head inside a toilet bowl. Anyone listening at the door might hear the name of Huey (or perhaps Ralph) being called upon repeatedly.
by Aaaardvark November 26, 2006
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To throw up; to vomit.
I had a few too many wobbley pops last night and I spent all morning saying hi to Ralph on the big white telephone.
by northerner1 September 25, 2007
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: marked fondness for or obsession with telephoning afflicted with the telephonitis … common to all teen-agers— J. S. Qualey.
When she drinks too much she has telephone itis. My teenage son got home from school today and all of a sudden he had telephone itis.
by Jenyrose October 23, 2022
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A telephone number is a phone who can ring someone or someone that rang you.
by Debskelly1985 June 17, 2023
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When you try to call someone but they miss your call, and they try to call you back, but you miss their call, then these steps repeat multiple times.

Phrase invented by Jack Lindsell
"It seems we are playing telephone tennis, I missed your call and you missed mine!"
by IMakePhoneCalls July 11, 2022
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I felt really sick last night and spent most of it talking into god’s telephone.
by grdn79 August 22, 2023
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