Code name for guys on a hot day when his balls are sticking to his thigh. 'The Sticks' can be avoided with a small dose of babypowder after a morning shower.

Signs of 'The Sticks':

When a male frequently puts his hands in his pockets. (momentarily relieving him of 'the sticks')

When a male takes strange looking side steps to separate his thighs as far as possible (this also momentarily relieves him of 'the sticks')
Guy #1: Dude are you playin with your tip in your pocket?

Guy #2: Nah bro I got The Sticks bad today, couldn't find my baby powder this morning.
by Mon-Star March 16, 2010
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Sally Stickwell: Hi.
Random guy: I want to stick it to you.
by Crakso July 8, 2010
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1. Branch from a tree
2. Small deal of weed
Hey i throw my boomerang, it didnt come back.
Thats no boomerang mate, thats a stick!
by jamesbrown April 22, 2003
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Thin, conceited, girl with a big forehead. (Nick Name)
Stick has a crush on every boy.
by Moonshine October 19, 2003
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