To be completely relaxed and at peace with one's environment. People often misconstrue this term to mean "masturbating" or "jerking off." This is a complete misperception.
The man sitting at the bar was watching the game, enjoying a light beer and sporting off.
by A.C. Chach April 12, 2010
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Action Sports is a term used to encapsulate a group of individual sports on a continuum from leisure to adrenaline pulsating, such as BMX, Snowboarding, Skateboarding, Surfing, Mt. Biking, Skiing, Wakeboarding, Motocross, and any sport that derived from the core, which could include Wakesurfing or Stand-Up Paddling. Action Sport athletes include Shaun White, Travis Pastrana, Rob Dyrdek, Parks Bonifay, Tony Hawk, Dave Mirra. Action Sports can be executed in the back yard and all the way to the Olympics. Most often action sport's athletes are showcased in the X Games & Dew Tour.
The most sick action sport is surfing bruh!

The craziest action sport's super star is Travis Pastrana because he does nac-nac back flips from one sky scraper to the next.

Action Sports are like my therapy bruh.
by Bebob Rocket Air Time October 8, 2013
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Sport Eating-Eating something incredibly tasty to the point where you are totally full and you continue to eat several more bites simply for the pleasurable taste or the sport of it.
This chocolate cake is sooo damn good that Im now on my third piece. I am officially sport eating.
by Whit Whew May 9, 2009
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A marvelous invention allowing women to jog without shirts.
That young lady must feel so free in her sports bra.
by SarahShy May 14, 2009
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Sports nerds are people who have nothing to talk about other than sports. That is all they talk about. The only conversations they have with people are about sports.
Patricia-"The boys in this class are all sports nerds."
Lucy-"I know! All they talk about is football."
by Shane0229 October 23, 2013
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When a man's shaft and balls become small and shriveled after participating in an athletic event. Just another great example of the adaptability of the male genitalia.
Guy 1: Dude I have some serious sports penis going on right now, my weiner is almost invisible.

Guy 2: Yeah man, that sucks. Hopefully no chicks see that, you would have to drown yourself in shame.
by stalegreen May 10, 2010
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