A cooter claw is a hand that has been infected with elephantitas and will absolutely destroy any women’s cooch when it’s necessary.
“He was fingering me last night and it wasn’t hittin the spot, so I told him to wip out the cooter claw and part of my cooch fell off!”
by Look up boof assist May 27, 2019
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The fluids that a womans vagina releases when she reaches an orgasm or climax.
My roommate was fooling around with some guy in my bed last night and when I went to go sleep, there was cooter goo all over my sheets.
by Bob Orzon December 11, 2003
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When a girl has a tampon string hanging out of her vagina.
I can see that girls cooter noodle.
by awesomimicals February 15, 2010
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A gathering consisting of mostly, if not entirely, girls.

The female equivalent of a sausage fest.
I went to Julie's, and it was a total cooter party. None of them were hot, though, so it sucked.
by wizzlewazzle July 3, 2009
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Wise in the things of all things Cooter. Having a deep understanding of the outdoors, breasts,booze and NASCAR.
I didn't know how to skin a deer and and bang a hot chick while cheering for Junior until I got Cooter Wise.
by crd79 January 7, 2008
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The art of drawing with ones vagina.
Just as I thought I'd seen everything the internet has to offer, I stumble into a video chat room where a young woman squatting over a dry erase board was Cooter Doodling "Hello Kitty" at a 6th grade level.
by Dmyster92 May 13, 2013
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a large, rather stretched, often swollen and bruised vagina.
lisa has a massive cooter from all that throat poking she has been getting lately.
by andy123150r8 March 11, 2008
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