Healer. Fire and ice. Angel of death. Hades running away from Persephone. Tolstoy before Tolstoy found god. An artist masquerading as a lawyer, gold pretending to be copper. The personification of тоска. Poetry of the body, ocean eyes, hidden smiles that are dispensed like secret medicine. Has an affinity for Spanish culture, paki women, and crippling thoughts of doubt and damnation. Loved by angels protected by the divine. Always does the right thing in the end (but may take a while to do said right thing due to his intricate and mysterious decision making process).
Person 1 (at the club): Who's that handsome man in that suit reading the Divine Comedy? Imma buy him a shot, nigga looks like he could use one...
Person 2: Let him be. He's just fighting for the salvation of his soul.

Person 1: Damn. Must be a Vladimir.
by beatrice1111 September 11, 2020
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A Russian guy with the most handsome features you will ever see. These may include curly light-brown hair, sea-blue eyes, and an ass carved by angels.

He is also very talented, and these talents may include professional YouTubing, elite skills in Apex Legends game, and musicianship. He can play many instruments which may include drum kit, trombone, piano, trumpet, guitar, and maybe even saxophone, though his music supremacy lies in is his divine pitch

Despite how sexy he is, he may also be stuck-up and/or self-centered. Ladies, beware.
Man, Duncan is cute, but he can't even be compared to Vladimir.
by Rorschacher November 22, 2021
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Slang term for toilet. Named after Russian warlord Vladimir Putin, whose surname sounds like 'poo tin' i.e. a place in which to place a poo.
"Had a really dodgy curry last night. I've spent all morning in the Vladimir."
by Robert Sanvagene April 2, 2022
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Moody and often stubborn. Intelligent and hard worker, Vladimir is that guy who knows pretty much about everything there is to know. Loving , caring and the life of the party!
Vladimir is quite a personality!
by Chachancle November 22, 2021
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Vova is an example of a full moron and debil. Vova likes other boys and always tries to take them to his bed.
Korim oti Vladimir shikor menael snif Mc'donalds!!!
by Kabachok November 21, 2021
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