A person who has ginger hair and pale skin like Ed Sheeran but they aren't.
Not+Ed Sheeran= Ned Sheeran
"Look that's Ned Sheeran"
by nomnom98236946847398489398929 February 28, 2022
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1st you will need 2 people

2. At precisely 2:18 am start dancing in a circle

3. Smack ur thigh 8 times
4. Sit in a circle and put something bright red in the middle

5. Massage your feet while chanting Ed Sheeran
Let’s Summon Ed Sheeran at 2:18 am

by DogLover_cool May 13, 2023
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basically an eating disorder, but it win’t be banned on tiktok
- bro, you look kinda unhealthy lately
- yeah, actually - my ed not sheeran is kicking my ass……
by gownoptaka July 6, 2023
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The dumbest bitch you’ll ever meet, she’s trying her best but it’s still pretty bad
Person 1: did Sheeran really just misspell the word “the”?

Person 2: why are you surprised by that?
by Charlie browns cousin October 5, 2019
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a gay Instagram model who over uses dog filters
have you seen his Instagram page he is such a Sheeran
by ken kumagi August 14, 2017
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When you aren't really homeless , you just live on the street as part of your gig. You could hypothetically live on some elses couch- because you have plenty of friends who support you - but instead you choose to sleep on a park bench in the middle of London.
My friend claims he wasn't really homeless before he made it as a singer - he could have went and lived at his moms house and ate Spaghettios, and then have her tuck him into bed and sing a lullaby. But he chose to be Ed Sheeran Homeless and live on the street. That's how he became rich.
by FunTdrip October 3, 2023
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