A Kayla is a beautiful female, has a great smile she is funny, witty, caring and spontaneous. Kayla enjoys playing sports, big cities ex. New York and likes to take cruises. Kayla wil be there to help you get through the rough times, If you find a Kayla do not let her go.
Kayla is a keeper
by juanpist October 20, 2011
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The best friend you could ever have. She is everything a friend should be, trustworthy funny, hyper, and cool. Usually she is very random and doesn't take much seriously.But if you ever need to talk to her about something serious, don't hesitate to ask. She is a fun loving girl who puts trust in people very easily. She is fun to be around and can act crazy sometimes. She usually has dark brown hair and is kinda short.
"Wow" that Kayla girl is cool.
by SketchyGurls January 27, 2013
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The most amazing beautiful girl in the world who no matter what will forgive you no matter how stupid you were to her. she is the girl that nobody really talks to because no one gets to now her.she is always funny, always kind and generous and always someone you can rely on. She is cute, short and a little round but so adorable. she is just the most lovable person in the whole world and if you don't love her there is obviously something wrong with you.
Girl: hey want to come over and hang out with me and Kayla?
Dude: yeah sure, but who's Kayla?
Girl: that girl in English class who sits in the back reading.
Dude: oh she is super cute :) yeah i'll definitely be right over.
by Pahnda April 29, 2012
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Kayla is a girl who is sexy funny gorgeous and such a great friend. Guys always want her. She is a great girlfriend and is trustworthy. Guys think she’s hot and she’s great in bed. She also has a nice body shape. She is clumsy and sometimes shy and other times loud. She is crazy especially when drunk. But it’s just regular old Kayla. She is someone you will want to have in your life
Damn you see that girl over there!”
Yea that must be a Kayla.”
by JoshParken April 16, 2018
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kayla is a gorgeous girl. she is very goofy and everyone loves her. she has a way of making you happy even when your sad. boys love her and if you have a girlfriend names kayla, she’s a keeper. she is nice and very thoughtful. she is a friend when you need one and if you are close with her she will do anything for you:)))
Boy: you see that girl over there?
Girl: ya what about her?
Boy: damn she’s hot imma ask her out!
Girl: well of course you are. she’s a kayla
by kale hoefart September 13, 2018
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