When you feel like shit after ending a relationship, whether it be platonic or romantic. When you realize that you could do a lot better but still miss a person whose absence feels like a void in your soul. When you replay all of your memories searching for a reason to feel sad, that reason being them. When you start going out again to the same places. When you think about how your self-worth doesn't depend on someone else. When you start hoping for something new and decide to go for it.
Penny: I'm going through a post-breakup right now :<

Jason: aw man, that really sucks! is there anything I can do for you?

Penny: I wish I didn't feel like this, but I've been in post-breakup ever since my first one, they just keep adding up. :'o
by icky_crown December 14, 2021
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A photo sent to one in which you wish to breakup with, friend-zone or just simply reject.
“I want to breakup with her yet i’m not ready to send the breakup yams”
by Mr. Quill April 19, 2019
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A conversion breakup is when your boyfriend breaks up with you because he realises he's gay.
Me: Why did Sara breakup with Mark.
Jenna: It was a conversion breakup.
Me: Ooh that explains a lot about Marks personality anyway so its not that shocking.
by ppooooppyy August 10, 2020
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Two 6 year olds breaking up because of a misunderstanding caused by a barbie comb.
That was a baby breakup
by #1bleh February 12, 2017
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When a friendship or romantic relationship disintegrates faster than a tissue held under running water, metaphorically speaking. Often results in using actual tissues.
Steve had just broken up with his girlfriend. It was a tissue breakup, because they'd just been hanging out the previous day.
by Brickdictionary118 February 26, 2013
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When your girl dumps you and you cut off your manhood (not your piss/fuck one, your face one)
"Hey man, Emily broke up with me I think it's time for a breakup shave"
by Tork, Lewith September 25, 2016
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When Nikki has broken up with you, and met someone else while you were gone on a work trip. But she still loves you and likes you… so when you get home from your work trip. Nikki spends a full day and night with you to love you, and go to dinner and drink and make love and hold you cause she loves you. You have a breakup day… then she leaves you forever for some looser.
Hey, I know I broke up with you and I don’t know what I’m doing… so want to have a breakup day?
by Mars2040 November 25, 2021
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