Worship and prayer😱😇🥺🙏✝️
A: Lets wap!
by December 7, 2021
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Kid: mum what does wap mean
Mum: oh son it means wings and pizza
by Skyler 🥵😊 July 3, 2022
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Tommyinnit: WAP: Worship And Prayers chat—C’mon Tubbo give us some waps

Tubbo: UHhhh from the top—Jesus drops—now that’s some wap.

Tommyinnit: *looses it*
by Thatonemossyledge October 26, 2020
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i probably shouldn't...
Guy: hey wanna get that WAP
Me: I would love to Worship And Praise
Guy: wait, but i-
by May07 March 8, 2021
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It is an acronym of many definitions, such as the most infamous one of them all, Wet Ass Pussy. But other variants include Waffles and Pancakes, Worship and Prayer, Watermelons and Pineapples, etc. The song WAP, was made by Cardi B and it’s true meaning is actually Wet Ass Pussy. But, since it blew up Facebook Moms saw it all over Facebook so they wondered, what does it mean? Kids, in order to avoid whoopings said different meanings.
Mom: Tyler, what does WAP mean? I’ve been seeing it all over Facebook.
Tyler: Oh- uh.. It means, Waffles and Pancakes!
Mom: OK! Sounds good!
by DeiTheGay March 17, 2023
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It stands for Waffles And Pancakes 😂😂 always use it around your kids.
Hey kid, would you like WAP for breakfast?
They proceed to make out
by UmAlrightIGottaGo September 21, 2021
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