man who acts like wife and is the submissive one in the relationship, along side used with #girlboss
Bill: Do you have a wife?
Jack: No bruv I've got myself a MALE wife,
by lvlyhyuck February 17, 2022
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A woman who will pick berries with you and make Berry pies
Tommy really wants a berry wife and get berry pegged
by Future Sloth March 9, 2022
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The 1st wenesday of October is National show off your wife day
Show off how pretty and nice your wife is

Post your wife
Partner: Hey look how pretty my wife is
Random person: wow
Wife: why you saying that?
Partner: its National show off your wife day!
by Doublejfluff October 5, 2021
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When a Male is married to a Female and he uses the term "wife dongle" To display a large sense of being a sexist
by Handle_Smandle September 19, 2019
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Noun-a person who depends on his wife 's remittances abroad to support him and his vices, er, hobbies, including but not exclusively, buying used or second-hand built Gunpla and most probably dating ExGFs, if the latter do exist. This person would often flex things he doesn't have, and the things he does have aren't that significant to flex to being with, like a measly Gunpla collection, bidets, toilets and even satellite dishes.

When asked if he can pay for the commission he wants done, he replies with "I'm just waiting for my wife's remittance" then backs out at the last moment, right after the the person who's going to do the commission have bought materials and paint. This person would also do a 180, putting the blame on the builder for bullshit reasons, and even name drops the biggest Gunpla collector, then later on diss that same collector.

This person does not have a <real> job, but deludes himself that he will be able to achieve a huge Gunpla/toy collection with remittances from his wife, aiming to catch up to the Biggest Collector he dissed earlier on.
"How much for a commission?"

"Are you sure? You might back out like you did the previous guy."

"No I'm sure. How much? I'm just waiting for my wife's remittance."

"Ah, so you're a wife-leecher..."
by TheLingeringSaint February 5, 2022
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when a traumatic event occurs or when one has a near death experience a call to the spouse is required shortly afterwards to explain what happened.
-Dude did you see that?
-See what?
-That guy almost got hit by a car!
-Oh yea, he'll be calling the wife!
by T D1ddy March 1, 2011
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Errol & Wife
For my friend Errol & his gorgeous wife.
I want to wish you both a beautiful

Valentine's Day.I can't think of a happier

or more blessed couple than you
I love you both & wish you well so all

the HATERS & HAS BEENS can fuck off

out of their lives..
Please get a life of your own
Errol & Wife.

A beautiful couple with big hearts 💕 I love them🙏🏽
by Janet21 February 14, 2023
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